
Climate Change

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is currently finalizing its Fourth Assessment Report "Climate Change 2007", also referred to as AR4. The reports by the three Working Groups provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the current state of knowledge on climate change. The Synthesis Report integrates the information around six topic areas

NASA’s Global Change Master Directory
Global Warming and Climate Change Policy. The Global Change Master Directory is an extensive directory of descriptive and locational information about data sets and services relevant to global change research. At present in the GCMD database there are over 25,000 of these metadata descriptions of datasets and data services from over 1200 government agencies, research institutions, archives and universities worldwide.

Alliance for Clean Energy New York
The Alliance for Clean Energy New York's mission is to promote the use of clean, renewable electricity technologies and energy efficiency in New York State, in order to increase energy diversity and security, boost economic development, improve public health, and reduce air pollution.

Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre coordinates the Caribbean region’s response to climate change. Officially opened in August 2005, the Centre is the key node for information on climate change issues and on the region’s response to managing and adapting to climate change in the Caribbean.

United Nations Climate Change Gateway
Climate change is a global problem that needs a long-term global solution. The UN is at the centre of brokering a fair, equitable and decisive climate change regime for a post 2012 world.

Oxford University - School of Geography and the Environment
The OUCE consists of the: The School of Geography, the Environmental Change Institute and the Transport Studies Unit. Global Warming. Global Action. Global Future.
350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, we will cause huge and irreversible damage to the earth.

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) - CDIAC is within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US and is the primary global change and analysis centre of the Department of Energy. This is a tightly organised site with lots of good data and many valuable online publications.

Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo (CICERO) - An academic body that provides research and analysis on environmental issues, particularly climate change.

Centre for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change - The Centre is dedicated to discovering and disseminating scientific information pertaining to the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on climate and the biosphere.

Climatic Research Unit (CRU)- The Climatic Research Unit, based at the University of East Anglia, UK, is widely recognised as one of the world's leading institutions concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change. The site includes a series of useful information sheets.

CO2NET- The European networking development programme for CO2 geological storage, CO2 capture and zero emissions technology options has resulted in the European Carbon Dioxide Thematic Network, CO2NET.

Dealing with Climate Change - This database offers access to information on energy-related policies and measures taken or planned in IEA Member countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

European Commission Directorate General Environment - The Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection directorate of the European Commission. Among its responsibilities are climate and air quality, environmental impact assessment and the secretariat of the G-24 Nuclear Safety Assistance Coordination (NUSAC) effort.

Global Warming International Center (GWIC) - This is the international body disseminating information on global warming science and policy, serving both governmental, non-governmental organizations, and industries in more than 145 countries. It sponsors unbiased research supporting the understanding of global warming and its mitigation.

IEA Greenhouse Gas Programme (IEAGHG) - The IEA Greenhouse Gas Programme is an international collaborative R&D programme to analyse options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels. Work to date has focused largely on the capture and storage of CO2. Site includes bi-monthly newsletter, as well as technical reports and paper presented.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - The panel was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Contains working group data, press releases and technical reports in PDF format.

International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) - This is a non-profit organization created in June 1999 to establish a functional international framework for trading greenhouse gas emission reductions. Its membership includes leading international companies from across the carbon trading cycle. IETA members seek to develop an emissions trading regime that results in real and verifiable greenhouse gas emission reductions while balancing economic efficiency with environmental integrity and social equity.

National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) - This site claims to have the world's largest active archive of weather data

Pew Center on Global Climate Change - Established in 1998, the Pew Center on Global Climate Change is a non-profit, non-partisan and independent organization dedicated to providing credible information, straight answers and innovative solutions in the effort to address global climate change.

Remote Energy Security Technologies Collaboritive - RESTco - Established in 2010, RESTCo is a federally incorporated, privately held, Canadian business. It was established in 2010 by a number of like-minded individuals to work together with remote (off-grid) communities, notably in the Canadian Arctic and Boreal regions, to reduce the vulnerability of their energy systems.

Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research - The Tyndall Centre is a national UK centre for trans-disciplinary research on climate change. It is dedicated to advancing the science of integration, to seeking, evaluating and facilitating sustainable solutions to climate change and to motivate society through promoting informed and effective dialogue.

Global Change Impact Studies Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan
Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC) was established in May 2002 on the initiative of Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, then Special Advisor to the Chief Executive of Pakistan and now Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The main purpose of the Centre is to serve as a think tank in aid of the national planners and decision makers for strategic policy planning in consonance with the changing global environment in areas such as Climate, Water, Energy, Food, Agriculture, Health, Ecology, new technologies etc. 

UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment (UCCEE) - The UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment at Riso National Laboratory, Denmark, supports the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in pursuing its aim of incorporating environmental aspects into energy planning and policy worldwide, with special emphasis on developing countries. Contains the C2E2 newsletter (PDF), links to other newsletters and other information.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC) The site of the UNFCCC secretariat contains lots of information on the scheduling of the current round of meetings, the convention itself, climate change and supporting documents.

Climate Modeling Links
Online sources of data related to the UKCIP02 scenarios:

The Permaculture Research Institute
The Permaculture Research Institute (PRI) is an international non-profit charitable organization working with communities worldwide to expand the knowledge and practice of integrated sustainable agriculture using the whole-systems approach of Permaculture Design to provide solutions for permanent abundance by training local people to become leaders of sustainable development in their communities and countries. 

Sea Level Rise Foundation
Based in the Seychelles the organization’s mandate is to bring about a more focussed effort for adaptation to sea-level rise on Small Island States and Coastal Nations.

A Guide to Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Power Plants Around the World Includes Alternative Energy

Green Facts - Climate Change

Climate Change: Changing our World

Peak Oil & Energy Security

South Asian Strategic Stability Institute - Climate Change South Asia

The Culture Artist
A resource for environmentalists, Sustainability and Green Living.

Culture Artist Newspaper Column
Chuck Hall is a Sustainability Consultant and author on environmental issues. His column, The Culture Artist, is featured in newspapers throughout the United States and overseas.